Amy is an award-winning communicator who brings more than 20 years experience informing and working with consumers, business leaders and policymakers. As a print reporter, she covered many facets of the business of health care – including cost, quality, policy and financing. As a consultant, she’s helped inform consumers, media and policymakers about different aspects of the delivery system.
Amy is sought after for her industry knowledge and media expertise. Whether it’s advocating for policy improvements or landing media coverage, Amy loves working with clients, generating ideas and making them a reality. She has worked with the Asia Society, Dallas-Fort Worth Business Group on Health, eHealthInsurance, Californians for Patient Care, University of Colorado Hospital, lobbyists and more.
Amy’s roots are in journalism. She began her career at The Gazette in Colorado Springs as the first health care reporter in the business department. Her coverage helped readers understand important developments related to hospital expansion, capitation, Medicare Advantage and the Balanced Budget Act of 1997. She soon made her way to Denver, where she covered health care, insurance and the state Legislature for the Denver Business Journal. Her work as a journalist won numerous awards from the Society of Professional Journalists, the Colorado Press Association and American City Business Journals. Amy enjoys translating complex issues into articles and other pieces that are interesting and easy to understand, as well as helping clients navigate the ever-changing media landscape.
Amy is a firm believer in working with organizations that make a difference. In 2007, she helped start the Business Health Forum, which educated the business community on health care reform and engaged them in solutions to the heath care crisis. She was responsible for many of the day-to-day operations of the organization, including writing grants, developing and updating the Web site, publishing weekly newsletters, public relations, presentations, meeting with business leaders, managing staff and more. In that role, she also helped start and chaired a “strange bedfellows” health care coalition of business, labor, insurance and consumer groups, called the Partnership for a Healthy Colorado.
Originally from Bloomington, Ill., Amy has a bachelor’s degree and master’s degree in journalism from Northwestern University’s Medill School of Journalism.
Amy lives in Denver with her husband and children. Outside of work, she enjoys skiing, biking and spending time with her family.